Kerrie Pelliccione
“I love connecting with people. I’ve always had the ability to see when someone is down or feeling alone. Helping them overcome that feeling has always been important to me,” says Kerrie Pelliccione. As an executive assistant at First Energy, Kerrie says she’s always been on the front line when it comes to dealing with the public. And, that’s where she likes to be because that’s where she says she can help create the most change.
Kerrie is passionate about advocating for others, whether through her church or at her job, where she helps coordinate programs and events between First Energy and United Way. “I really enjoy creating fun events and doing different things within the department to get people to take notice, pay attention and think closer about what they could be doing to help.”
And helping is what drew Kerrie to United Way and United Way’s Women United over four years ago. “I love how passionate and excited everyone is. I leave every meeting feeling energized and focused, which is something I really appreciate, and I believe it has made me a better person.” The last couple of years have been rough for her with the passing of her dad and a close friend. She believes that the events held by Women United made it much easier than it could’ve been.
“Getting involved and putting yourself out there is what it’s all about. There was a time when I used to believe that God didn’t give me any gifts, but when you jump into something and start volunteering, you find hidden talents that you didn’t know you had.” Women United has also given Kerrie a valuable networking outlet. She loves meeting new people from diverse backgrounds through the group. She finds the connections she’s made very rewarding.
Kerrie loves to spend time with her husband, Bill, of 29-years, her two sons, and their five beautiful grandchildren. She is an avid reader and audiobook listener and is also involved with the Realtor Association events planning committee. But it will always be the connecting of people for good that makes her truly happy, and there’s no better place to do that than with United Way and Women United. When asked what advice she’d give to any women who may be considering joining, she states “step outside yourself and do something for a greater purpose.”
To learn more about United Way’s Women United, contact Lynne Popash at [email protected] in Allegheny County, Terri Dominick at [email protected] in Westmoreland County, or Sherrie Dunlap Gallagher at [email protected] in Butler County.